Monday, April 18, 2011

4/18/11, new cat perch, garden in progress as of today, old oak tree is DEAD, do NOT buy a greenhouse kit

Roses competing
cat perch. They jump on this and tell us they want in.
Stuff is growing like the dickens
Roses doing their thing along with scattered iris
More knockout roses with the pots full with small peppers you can't really see
Oops, the 'Old Oak Tree' died during the winter. The only green there is the vines and bushes. Gonna' cost us a bundle to take him down. Trunk is well over 3' in diameter....scary as all get out. Had we gotten the storm we were supposed to he'd have taken out a transformer and power lines for lots of the area.... gotta' fix and have calls in to several.
Iris seem to be blooming only a few at a time instead of all at once this year. Kind of nice, but doesn't make a great picture.
Note to self. Plant sun loving plants where they don't have to lean to get sun....
Part of the leaf pile where there are basketball gourds coming up. If they live it will be nice. If they don't the 8' x 30' area will be a boxed in area next year....
Never buy a greenhouse kit....the polycarbonate is fine; the framing has busted all over
Fillius Blue Pepper in new home
Elephant ears starting up again....sigh
Occasional iris and lilies coming on
Last fall's trimmed pecan and today's little plot growing like the dickens
Easter lilies will not be ready for Easter again this year.....

1 comment:

  1. Brenda nice. I wish I could say I have something growing. I am just headed to update my blog with pictures from the greenhouse. Looks like everything is coming along just great.
